Friends of the Earth Europe –
Don’t cook the planet, president Barroso!
We helped Friends of the Earth Europe in their action for one of the most urgent environmental issues.

We created campaign posters meant to put international pressure on The European Commission and urge them to adopt three vital binding targets for 2030: emissions reductions, energy savings and renewable energy.
We produce support material for the campaign with the aim of pressuring the U.E. Commission’s President José Manuel Barroso to move forward the Fuel Quality Directive to the inter-service consultation and to put his weight behind it so that it reaches the Council and Parliament without delay, to protect our climate and keep the dirty fuels out of Europe. On this project, we have collaborated with the very talented designer Andrea Molinatti.

When all other approaches have failed, the FoEE has turned to target Barroso publicly and directly in order to truly engage him and the public in this matter.
In the first poster, Barroso gazes with confidence as he is ‘playing’ a winning hand against dirty oil. The cards are Directive, Quality and Fuel, the green leaf symbol being the common denominator of the winning hand. For the second poster Barroso is depicted as a chef, “cooking the planet”, a recipe for climate disaster, suggesting him to “choose a better recipe”.
The adverts were published on the last page of the European Voice, posted all around the Berlaymont building and used on postcards and placards greeting Commission workers with during a public auction.