
Tribe: we have a problem


During the year, we held a class in Scuola Holden’s Academy. Serving as teachers were our Project Manager Claudia Conte and our Creative Producer Giovanni Mauriello. The course, «Hand,» represented a workshop to learn narrative techniques useful for social communication and to discover how to put one’s creativity at the service of a social.

The creative challenge

We challenged the three-year degree students by asking them to design and create a Branded Content, focusing on a relevant theme close to them and to Latte Creative: eco-anxiety!


Tribe: we have a problem

The execution

The students chose one of the most democratic, authentic, and popular mediums for storytelling: the podcast. Thanks to a creative and operational sprint, they took care of everything, from texts to production, as well as sound design. Through the capacity-building process, they thus came up with a content capable of positioning both the Holden School and Latte Creative values. 

Making the podcast even more special are the voices of Pierluca Mariti and Sofia Pasotto.



Más que una agencia.

Worth Wearing Latte School