Greenpeace Netherland –
Say hello to your kids
Through an international petition, Greenpeace is asking institutions to ban advertising and sponsorship of fossil fuel companies. A collective action in which Latte Creative has proudly taken part by creating the video «Say Hello to Your Kids», which invites the 16 countries in which it will be shared to sign the petition.

«Say Hello to Your Kids» aims to expose the hypocrisy behind the endless greenwashing operations we are subjected to every day. With a cinematic setting and dystopian tone, the commercial focuses on the behind-the-scenes story of yet another deceptive advertisement: an airline promising zero-emissions flights. Once the «stop» is called, we discover that the outside world is much scarier than we imagined.

Latte Creative is not only the creative agency behind the launch spot, but it is also a partner in the project. Through the sharing of the video on its channels, a special newsletter and the production of strategic key visuals, we aim to sensitize our community on this issue, inviting them to sign the petition.