Milan Polyclinic-
Her whole life ahead
In the long and lasting collaboration with the Milan Polyclinic, Latte Creative had the opportunity to design and implement the Hospital’s bequest campaign.

To deal with such a delicate issue, we started from the idea that, when a person reaches the extreme moment, still has a lot of life ahead: that of all the people who remain and who need medical care. Lives that a legacy to the Polyclinic can help save.

The campaign was supported by a long-term fundraising strategy that was the basis of every operational choice. This year we focused on targets close to the Hospital and on obtaining the patronage of the National Council of Notaries.

We involved the head nurses in the dissemination of the campaign, encouraging dialogue with patients and strengthening the Hospital’s internal communication. The campaign managed to reach a wider target thanks to the Ore Sette service through which we sent the paper brochure to Corriere della Sera subscribers.
We created a landing page from which the user can download the digital brochure or request a meeting with a Polyclinic representative. The campaign was supported by a digital editorial plan that alternated stories from the hospital’s benefactors and more informative content, continuously sponsored.