Branding LIFE ETX
Latte Creative created a brand new visual identity for Carbon Market Watch’s LIFE ETX (Emissions Trading eXtra), an EU funded project that seeks to empower European civil society, enabling it to shape the EU’s Emissions Trading System and carbon pricing policies.

The branding began with the design of the logo and logo animation and with the choice of the font and palette. The logo represents a circle made up of numerous points, a symbolic space in which a community becomes one.
This union represents both the movement of gas particles on earth and the aggregation of EU citizens, summarizing the scientific and at the same time informative nature of the project.

Visual guideline and declinations
The logo and the palette were also used to develop a guiding model for the photographic treatment, immediately applied to the templates for social media and for the newsletter.
We have also developed a template for presentations and one for publications, two fundamental assets for the dissemination purposes of the project.