Anything to say?
At a time in history when freedom of expression and information are continually challenged, the High Court in London grants the petition of WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange, postponing to a new appeal the ruling on his extradition to the United States. This reactivates a social, political and artistic dialogue on the issue.

Standing up for freedom.
The creative challenge
Art, when put in the service of activism and supported by culture, can be transformed into a very powerful information instrument that can animate and advance debate on major current issues.

The execution
“If wars can be started by lies, peace can be started by truth”
Julian Assange
A campaign combining art and activism, promoted by campaigner Salvatore Barbera and artist Davide Dormino, who created the artwork “Anything to say?” A traveling sculpture starring Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, and Edward Snowden. Three bronze statues and a chair inviting anyone to climb up and have their say in support of freedom of expression and information.
After an international tour, the sculpture has touched the squares of Milan, Naples, Rome and Bologna, thanks to the fundraising launched on GoFundMe with the intention of making the monument available to everyone. Not just an exhibition, but real events that mixed art, activism and music.

Celebrity engagement
Alessandro Mannarino, Riccardo Iacona, Benedetta Scuderi, Barbara Foria, Moni Ovadia, Alessandro Bergonzoni, Marcello Baraghini: these are just a few of the well-known names who took part in the campaign with videos, both before the events and during, jumping straight into the chair to have their say.