PETER PAN ODV – 5×1000
At his side
Peter Pan is an organisation that supports children with cancer and their families. To increase the number of 5X1000 subscribers and raise awareness of the organisation, we worked on a three-year campaign involving various media.

The creative challenge
How can we show the organisation’s proximity as a discreet but crucial presence for the well-being of patients and their families?
To do so, we let ourselves be inspired by its naming.
Peter Pan is the shadow that accompanies and projects the lives of children and their families beyond illness.
The execution
The idea was to represent the work of Peter Pan through the visual expedient of the shadow, taking the famous character of the same name as inspiration.
Thus we told everything that is part of the cure, showing how Peter Pan every day stands by the side of sick children and their families in their needs.

Spot TV
The 30″ spot went onair on national channels, while the 60″ and 15″ versions were broadcast online on the brand’s channels.
The planning also included a radio with a 30″ subject.

The campaign flyer became a gadget thanks to a paper-cutting technique that made it possible to turn it into a projector for shadow theatre.