Amnesty International Italia –
A pride that stays
With the announcement of PD’s intention of submitting the Zan bill to the Italian Senate after its collapse in autumn 2021 and at the dawn of the month of Pride, Amnesty International Italia intended to launch a petition in support of the new process of this fundamental bill. Latte Creative was called upon to create an advocacy campaign to support the collection of signatures.

As long as a law against homolesobibitransphobia, misogyny and ableism does not pass in the Senate, the desire to fight for it does not pass into the people that that very law would protect from hatred. This is the concept of the proposed multi-subject campaign, which reconnects a debate that is too often ideological to the concreteness of the lives it discusses through close-ups and first-person affirmations that evoke the emotional charge of the struggle for rights.

On a visual level, we picked the portraits according to an inclusivity principle, combining them with a copy that would match the identities and expressions. We decided to use the gazes of the subjects to break the headline, becoming the focal point and coming straight to the observer.
In the graphic version of the campaign, the representation of the subjects is conveyed instead by the backgrounds, created with the gradients of the flags. The choice of shade wants to underline the lack of clear boundaries when it comes to identity, evoking the concept of spectrum.

The campaign was developed in various formats for Amnesty’s social channels, for the newsletter and for the landing page of the petition.
For the offline declinations, we created posters for Amnesty’s stands at Pride, banners, bubbles to distribute to people and campaign gadgets (shoppers and pins).