Maschile Plurale works to build a space of communication for and with men, bypassing traditional defenses, adopting comprehensible language and at the same time expanding personal and relational vocabulary. The goal is not to judge and blame but to open new spaces for reflexivity and possible positive evolution or transformation.

Words against violence
The creative challenge
As part of the project “Soka Gakkai: Countering Gender-Based Violence by Transforming the Culture That Produces It,” Maschile Plurale is asking us to work on a communication and awareness campaign on preventing male violence against women, starting with sexist language.

The campaign developed into a multi-subject campaign starring four more or less common places where sexist words and behavior often take over. A series of phrases that can and should be responded to by choosing to adopt a different language and thus fight male violence against women.

Social Media
In addition to billboards, the campaign was also launched on social media through interactive contents. A series of stories designed to engage the target audience, make them think and prompt them to have their say.