A life-saving signature
SOS MEDITERRANEE is a maritime and humanitarian organization committed to the rescue of people in need in the Mediterranean, one of the world’s most dangerous migration routes. Its activities take place in a complex political and social context, characterized by tensions over issues of immigration, human rights and international solidarity.

A life-saving signature.
The creative challenge
SOS MEDITERRANEE wants to invest in a new 5×1000 campaign that recounts its values of humanity and solidarity, showing the concrete results of relief operations.

The execution
A concept that tells the story of Khaled, Ali, Marina and those like them risking their lives at sea in search of a future. Saved by the rescue operations of Ocean Vikings, which maintains its commitment to the Mediterranean also thanks to the signatures of those who choose to donate.
The concept was then declined into two subjects, for the creation of key visuals, video, social graphics and informative print materials, complemented by a dedicated landing page.

Social assets