ReCommon –
Rebranding ReCommon
ReCommon is an association that fights against abuses of power of any kind and the plundering of territories, in order to create spaces for transformation in society both in Italy, Europe and the world.
Everyday it supports and defends the local communities and the territories fighting for their rights.

Training and Workshop
Together with the ReCommon team we started a training program aimed at deepening different topics about digital communication: from strategy to storytelling; from fundraising to design. After the program we organized a workshop using gamestorming techniques to co-design the new brand identity.

Brand identity
Our main aim was to create a unique and customized visual identity able to show the main values of the organization. We designed the new logo and payoff, we defined a peculiar photographic treatment and we created coordinated communication materials.

A new website
Together with the brand identity we designed a brand new website. A new digital space coordinated with the new visual language, user-friendly, easy to surf, and able to show different kinds of content.